Friday, March 26, 2010

Teaching Practicum : The End of A Beginning

After three months++ of waking up as early as 0530 in the morning and dragging my feet around the school compound just to kill some ‘free’ time, my teaching practicum is over. I repeat, OVER. So, yes, of course I am happy. I am so damningly damn happy that it’s finally over. But one thing for sure, I’m going to miss my not-so-little students. I’m just glad that I was destined to teach them as they are such lovely kids. Really. Like seriously! No bluffing and exaggerating intended here!

I mean, all this while, I have this scary imagination of how vocational students would behave. In fact, I did have nightmares when I first knew that I was assigned to do my practicum in the vocational school. My friends were not helping, even the ones who are from this type of school. They claimed that these students could be a bit ‘wild’ and naughty and would cause a lot of problems. But after 3 months++ of teaching and being a part of TEKSHA, I learned that neither of that are true. They may be a bit naughty (well, sometimes this ‘a bit’ could size up to ‘a lot’) but it’s in a cute way. OK, you may be LOLing as you read this remark but I am telling you the truth. They are so adorable that they managed to make me laugh even when I was so mad. Alrite, maybe the word ‘adorable’ is not suitable to describe them as they don’t look that ‘adorable’ but they do behave ‘adorably’! (Can you count how many adorable(s) I’ve been using in just ONE sentence?!).

I was assigned to teach 2 classes; 5 AMB 3 and 4 PK 1. All in all, I have about 51 students who are so eager to learn. Hence, I would like to apologize to my students here if I failed to meet your expectations. I have tried my best but there were times when I was either sick, or simply not in the mood which resulted to super duper boring lessons. I know I should never ever let my personal issues blinded me and got me distracted, but I am only a human. The more I try, the more I found it hard to resist. So, again, I am so sorry my dear students if I disappoint you in any way. But believe me, you have made me proud. You have cheered me up and I am glad to have you around. You have made me feel special for having a chance to be with you, even for merely a short period. Thank you very much for the wonderful lessons that you have taught me. I believe I have changed in many ways. I am more patient and I can see things from different perspectives now. My horizons have been widened by all of you.

So, what’s next? I always dream to become a working-from-home mom. Well, that is IF I finally found my long-lost prince charming and get married. Until then, teaching would do. Bring it on. I’m still fired up.