Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Maria Elena's love story unfolds

I don't know much about Maria Elena. I know she is famous from somewhere, but I can't seem to find where that somewhere is located.

But, I love the way they made this video. 
Very creative, indeed.
And they look good for one another.

I believe most couples do experience these sorts of things; 
uncommon interests, 
gadgets vs clothes, 
panic attacks, 
late night phone calls,
accidentally dozed-off while talking.

Watching this video reminds me of what we have right now. 

May these two love birds' marriage last till jannah.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Boy I think about it every night and day 
I'm addicted wanna jump inside your love 
I wouldn't wanna have it any other way 
I'm addicted and I just can't get enough

Yes, you got me addicted since the past 426 days. And please, don't stop.
I want moreeeeeeeeeee!! 

I love you to infinity and beyond, you Sweet Talker! :p

Happy 427th Magnificent Day.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Allergic Elegy

My lower right eyelid is swollen. 
And after pressing it (while pretending that I was a doctor), I think there is something wrong with my tears gland. I don't know how true my diagnosis is. I don't even know whether such thing as tears gland does exist or not. 

And, so is my right ear. 
There is a small bump near my jawline. It hurts whenever I press it. I have no diagnosis for this one as I always have a hard time trying to memorize parts in ears. 

There's more.
There are a few rashes on my right feet. And my left knee. 
The kind of rashes that I always experience. The ones that make me feel like ironing my skin. Yes, I'm not kidding because the itchiness will linger for quite some time and it is hard to keep my fingers from scratching them.

And I've been sneezing all day long.

So, yes, my allergy is back. 
Stronger and wiser.
And all over the body.

Thank you Allah, for blessing me with this.
This is Your subtle hint to remind me to return You.
Pardon my negligence.
Forgive my ignorance.
And thank you for Your love, dear Lord.

Insomniac Me

It's been a while since I actually write something in here. Sometimes, I feel like I have been in haste since forever. Hence explains the pictures with quotes and copy-and-paste words taken from various sources. Despite the fact that I rarely have readers, I do actually enjoy writing things on different topics here. Yes, I know I am random. Always been one.

So, what's up? I just finished subtitling 'The Matchmaker', an Israeli movie. I was amazed to learn that Hebrew sounds a bit like Arabic. Words like ma (means what in both Hebrew and Arabic) and zahab (means gold in both Hebrew and Arabic) were numerously repeated in the movie. I can go on and on about the movie but since I won't be doing a review here, I shall stop myself. And glue my fingers together to stop them from typing about the movie. Nah, just kidding. :p

It's 02:49 and I want to head to bed but I can't. It could be due to the recently-adjusted biological clock of mine. I had been burning the midnight oil for almost a month now, so I reckon, my biological clock must have  been effected. I need to get myself a new clock, perhaps? :D

Now that I can't sleep, few funny thoughts are marathoning inside my head. Last week had been a secret-busted week for me. It was tough but I think I'm handling them just fine. I am a tough girl, after all. I won't deny that those secrets still haunt me, every now and then. But I'm trying my best to dig a deep hole and bury everything in it.  Hey, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe I need to actually do that. Dig and bury, hoping that everything will rot inside of the hole. Way to go, Tough Girl! :D

I know blogging wouldn't help me in battling my insomnia so I shall pen-off now, or shall I say, log off.

Guten Nacht/Guten Morgen.

p/s : I'm counting on you.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Meet Hannah, the Awesome girl.

I have a wonderful story that I want to share with my readers (if I happen to have any readers). 
I won't say much as I shall allow her mom's story to do the talking.

Hannah Duckworth is a 14 year old girl battling AML (Acute Myeloyde Leukemia). It is a cancer that starts in your bone marrow. AML is a commonly found in adults 40 and over, rarely is it found in children. Hannah was diagnosed less than a month before her 14th birthday. People with this type of cancer have abnormal cells in their bone marrow. The cells grow very quickly, and replace healthy blood cells. The bone marrow, which help the body fight infection eventually stop working. Most of the time doctors can not tell you what causes AML but, in Hannah's case they were able to determine that she has AML with inversion 16, which tells them that one of her chromosomes flipped and started swapping with others. When she arrived at St. Jude's she had less than 8% healthy bone marrow left. The prognosis is usually good. In most cases remission occurs after being cancer free for 5 years. Hannah will have her bone marrow done every 4 months to ensure it has not come back. On Tuesday December 18th, 2012 she will have her bone marrow that will hopefully begin the 5 year process. With treatment, younger patients with AML tend to do better than those who develop it at an older age. Experts say that this is due to the fact that younger people are able to tolerate strong chemotherapy medicines better. If the cancer does not come back (relapse) with in the 5 years you are said to be cured. Hannah was officially diagnosed June 14, 2012 right before her 14th birthday. The way we found out about Hannah's cancer was not a usual way. She did not present with typical signs, she only had sores in her mouth and after getting tested for mono we found she was neutropenic. She saw a pediatric oncologist for a couple of months. Who took samples of Hannah's blood two times a week and when she realized nothing was changing, she did a bone marrow. By the end of that day she called and said we need to be packed up and ready to go to St. Jude's as soon as they call. That's a phone call you never want to take. I didn't even have the heart to tell my daughter, I had to have the doctor tell her. It is like getting your heart ripped out and thrown on the ground. As if that's not enough she said, we would be gone for 6-8 months. Our world stopped moving, all of a sudden your in survival mode. You hear the words you never want to hear especially pertaining to your child. Our lives as we knew it would never be the same. We didn't even have time to say bye to anyone. By the end of the next day we were at St. Jude's. That is a trip that will never be forgotten. She started treatment on June 14, 2012. At this time Hannah had sores in her mouth leading down to her stomach. The doctors and nurses were trying to make her comfortable with narcotics,of which we soon found out she was very sensitive to. By the end of the night Hannah would be fighting for her life. After the first time she stopped breathing they gave her a medicine to reverse the effect of the narcotics. That didn't work and she stopped breathing again. As they were bagging her right in front of us I was able to reach down and hold her hand and tell her everything was going to be alright (even though I didn't know at that time) I gave her a kiss and told her to close her eye and it will all be over just like a bad dream. It was the hardest thing to walk out of that room. We were met in the hallway by the nurses and aids who surrounded us with prayer and support. At one point her blood pressure was 40/20 and her oxygen was 59%. There is an unexplainable emptiness you feel. After they got her stable, they were able to tell us that she responded to the chemo so well that it popped open all her leukemia cells and that made her go septic, her whole body started shutting down. This in fact was the worst day of our lives.They were controlling her blood pressure with medicine and her breathing by a machine. With their fast acting they saved our daughters life, for that we are forever thankful. The next morning to our surprise she was communicating with pen and paper. She made sure to tell us, not to cry and that she was going to be ok. In three days and many test later Hannah accidentally pulled the breathing tube out while she was sleeping. Within hours she was on room air and out of ICU. She was in the hospital for a total of two weeks. Her second treatment presented with more problems, they do procedures called Interthegal Therapy (IT Therapy) which is where they put chemo in your spinal fluids so it can reach your brain because the other chemo does not reach it. It caused Hannah's brain to swell, she lost the ability to follow direction or even talk within moments. By the time we got to the hospital she was hardly able to walk. But as fast as it came on it went away, doctors say that never happens, she has no residual effects. Yet another blessing. She has receive numerous blood products, has dealt with nausea and vomiting, her weight has gone from 99 pounds all the way down to 76 pounds, she lost her hair, has missed out on freshman orientation and homecoming dances, time with friends and her dog died about a month in to this journey. In the process of her recovering from her final chemo which was on October 21, 2012 she ended up with a line infection. Two weeks later she was still in the hospital with a fever so they did a scan, which was clear. The doctor really felt like her fever curve was telling him she had a fungal infection but, if you have no white cells it won't show so, he repeated the scan a week later. That in fact showed a 5cm spot in her lung. This was the week of Thanksgiving of which we were supposed to be home by this time. We had a meeting that night and all of us including Hannah decided it needed to come out. The next day she had surgery, by the time they got to the fungi it had spread even more. They ended up taking 2/3 of her lung on the right side. Even when they got it out it was growing right before their eyes under the microscope.There are many things cancer can take away but, we will take away so much more. Strength we never knew we had, faith, blessings from people we don't even know, new friends and we have the life of our beautiful daughter. Through out all of this Hannah has maintained her dignity and strength with a mature and faithful attitude. Never asking why or being angry, always being positive and a pleasure to be around. She is our hero and always will be. Being an artist Hannah is inspired by most everything. She is able to look at anything a draw it with great detail. Ever since she was a baby, Hannah has loved art and animals. Once I found her in my bathroom putting on her kitty face with my make-up. She has many other interest like realistic artwork, rock concerts, studded belts, and cool hair styles. Some of the animals she like are unicorns, horses, cats, dogs, fox, and especially wolves. Photography has always been a favorite of hers. Hannah does a lot of research when she is interested in something. One time we went to Best Buy, while looking at cameras she took a picture worthy of framing. She has an eye for beauty, what ever that may be. Some of her favorite artist include Kat Von Dee, Henri Russeo, and Van Gogh. One day she would like to meet Kat Von Dee. Like any teen she likes to shop and hang out at the mall. Her favorite store is Hot Topic. Skinny jeans and combat boots fit her unique style perfectly. Music has really helped Hannah, some of her favorite bands are Misfits, Deadmaui, The Cure, Death Cab for Cutie, she also enjoys Dub Step. Before she lost her hair she was known for her radical hair colors and always had a style all her own that she would cut herself. She uses her imagine freely and skillfully. Hannah loves to go antique shopping and collects skeleton keys. She feels they are all unique just like people. Her laid back personality and unique individual style makes her a conversation starter where ever she goes.Everyone loves her incredible sense of humor. She is such a blessing and so thoughtful that she often puts others before herself. I really hope this helps you to understand her and the journey she went on. If it can help one person then we have done our job. We feel like we have had blessing after blessing and couldn't do it with out our faith. Thank you for taking the time to read her story.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I tend to experience a lot of mental breakdowns lately.

I can't think straight and even little little things bother me.

For the sake of the ones whom I love so dearly, I hope that this feeling will go away.

Life hates me.

I know I am not supposed to sound like an ungrateful bitch here, but I really have to say it.

Life hates me.

But I hope it won't hate any one of you.

God, help me.
God, bless me.
God, grant me.
God, be with me.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

This Is Just Another Complaint

I have another two 30-mins episodes which are due tomorrow.
And plenty plenty plenty of movies.
I really really really need to work fast.
And speed up my thinking cap.

And I can't keep my mind off of my superbestgirlfriend's engagement party that I will have to miss due to few reasons. 


Too many to think.
Too little space in my brain.

While I groan and howl and complain about how little sleep I get every night, there are still people who are jobless and have bills to pay and mouths to feed. Astaghfirullahal'adzim. I am such a shameless ungrateful ugly creature.

Quote #2

Friday, December 7, 2012

I Won't Give Up

God knows what we have gone through.
And I strongly believe that He put us through those trials because He wants us to grow stronger and wiser. 
As much as I won't give up on us, I hope you will do the same too.
I love you, Baby. I love us. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Merry Marry

Why Marriage is Awesome (copied and pasted)

1. It gives you security …that same secure feeling you felt when growing up in your parents’ house, over time you feel that feeling with your spouse.

2. You are always learning. Through good times and bad you are constantly learning about the other person and about yourself.

3. It makes you grow. Having the best Ikhlaq with your spouse is so much harder than having it with others. Hence you learn to work on your character and it makes you grow into a better person inshaAllah.

4. You have someone to go everywhere with. Remember that trip you wanted to take to see that one place, well now you can go there with someone and enjoy it.

5. It gives you confidence. A supporting spouse really boosts your confidence level and can help you accomplish many things which you thought you couldn’t do before.

6. It brings you back to reality! Hollywood/bollywood movies got nothing on real life. Marriage pushes you to live in this world and that if you really want a beautiful life with no sadness, you would have to work for jannah!

7. It can be a source for you to see the fruit of your heart…i.e your children.

All checked.
I love you. ;)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ladies, Know Your Shoes!

I can't help but share this picture which will guide you into knowing the things that your feet wear. Yes, this post is not only meant for ladies. Guys HAVE to remember this by heart too so you won't mistakenly bring your Russell Crowe's Gladiator DVD when your lady kindly asks your favour to bring her gladiators. ;)


Read somewhere that we shouldnt say 'salam' as it carries the meaning of 'damn you'. Salam is derived from the arabic verb, 'salima-yaslamu-salamatan'. One of the mashdar (nouns) for 'salima' is salaam which means happy/peace. As can be seen in verse 58 of surah Yaasiiin, 'salaamun qaulan min rabbirraahiim', that salaam means peace. So please, stop sharing things that u are not sure of its authenticity. Take the dignity to do some research. I know most of you are eager to educate people on deen but please, dont simply share things that u have limited knowledge about. Dig some info and equip yourself with it. Please!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Quote #1

Don't wait. You are your own fairy godmother. 
- The Make Believer


I'm getting bored of the same old same old template so I decide to turn over a new leaf. Aite, that is not contextually correct. Please don't try this at school or your teacher will kill me.

After delaying this divine intention of mine due to (ehem, no bluffing intended, yeh?) hectic schedule, I have decided to take a few minutes (hours actually) off and start looking for new templates.

I wish I can just dress my blog with any template and plaster a wide grin of satisfaction across my silly face. But I can't. I just can't. Being a perfectionist as I always am, I want to find a template that has me in it. Not that I need to be embedded in the template, it is just that I need something that will scream out my name. Owkayyyy.. Summarizing what I want is far more complicated than finding what I want. Geez, I am such a complicated and twisted young lady. *cries*

In not-so-short,

  • I want a simple template
  • Doesn't involve much colours (but aye, colorful templates would do too!)
  • Easy to navigate
  • Free
  • Outstandingly creative
  • A template
  • Not too common - doesn't share the same look with other blog
  • Not too girlish
  • But not too serious
With such requirements, maybe I should consider designing my own blog. Ha! I would love to, but then, it is going to take forever. And I don't have forever. I want it to be done by today. Self-dictator much, eh?

And after much consideration and contemplation,

TA - DA!

Don't you like the new dress for my blog?
No, I don't take a 'NO' as an answer, thank you! ;p
Excuse the unedited features. I am still working on it. But I think It's going to there for a while as I need to head back to work or my quest to get myself a new handbag will fail miserably. Ehee.

Have a great day ahead!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Love Letter #1


Dear my future imam,

As you would have known, I borrowed your left rib.
And you should know that I have no intention of giving it back to you.
Likewise, I hope I can own your heart.
And I hope that I will never have to return it to you.

Dear my future teacher who will indefatigably teach me the lessons of life,

I don't know how to cook very well. We may end up dining at a restaurant two or three times a week, thanks to my super hectic schedule and pure laziness. Even if I manage to cook, I may end up putting extra salt in the dishes that I prepare. And the cakes are most probably going to be overcooked. And there is a fat chance that I don't even know the name of the delicacies that I cook. Can it get any worse? Yes. The coffee that you will ask me to prepare for you during breakfast, it may not cater your taste buds.  I may not become the best chef in town. Or serve a signature dish that will make you proud. But, I promise that I won't stop trying. I will try to spend some time to make new dishes, tho I may constantly take a peek at the recipe which I have googled earlier. I will not allow you to go to bed with an empty stomach, tho we may not be talking the whole day as I sulk because you refuse to let me buy the bag that I've been eyeing on. Most importantly, I will stuff you with lots of love until there is no empty space left in your heart.

Dear my future life and jannah partner,

I'm not a seamstress. I can't sew in a straight line. I haven't completed any sewing projects before although the textile stores have become my second home lately. I will beg you for a sewing machine and believe me, I won't stop begging until I get one. Still, I can't assure you that I will actually sew something out of it. In fact, the sewing machine will be most probably collecting dust in a corner in your home-office. I will purposely coax you to allow me to put it there as I don't want to tarnish the beautiful view of our future living room. Even though needle and thread have never been my best friend, I promise that I will sew the loosen buttons of your shirts. But for the damaged zip, I think it is wiser to have it sent to the tailor. Most importantly, I promise that I will help you to sew the shattered dreams of yours (as long as it doesn't involve getting yourself a new wifey!).

Dear my future caretaker and personal body guard,

I am neither a nurse nor a doctor. I can't even pronounce the names of the medicine correctly. I will not be able to differentiate between the fever pills and the flu pills. The only physical wound that I will be able to take care of is papercut. Nothing more, nothing less. But I promise to put your health as my prime concern. I will make (or get) you a bowl(s) of chicken porridge whenever you're not feeling well. I will take or drag you to the clinic. Most importantly, I will take care of your heart. I will never let it break into smithereens. In fact, I will never allow it to break at all.

Dear the future king of my heart,

I am not a princess. And I am not a beauty pageant. I don't walk and talk like one. I can't even wave my hand like one. I don't have a mesmerizing smile or long silky hair that will melt your heart. And knowing how awful my look can be in the morning, I will try not to mind if you decide to wake up on the other side of the bed. But I can promise you that I will mind my manners. I will keep our little secrets. I will not disclose our private and personal matters to public. I will not shout our problems to the whole world. I will take care of your dignity. I will take care of my dignity. And I will take of our future family's dignity. Most importantly, I will treat you like a king and put you before any other things.

Dear my future husband,

Yes, I am far from perfection. I have a gazillion flaws that if I decide to list them down, you may need to sacrifice your sleep for seven nights. Yes, no kidding. Because I am more than just a normal damsel in distress. I am a lost cause.

I just hope and wish that you will accept me the way I am. My flaws. My bads. My downs. My foolishness. My stupid sulks. My inability to stay composed. My tears that will shamelessly roll down on my cheeks. My ridiculous ideas. My spontaneous acts. My silly over-thinking behaviour. My jealousy. My impulsive decisions. My shopping habits. My long wishlist that doesn't need to be fulfilled. My heart. My endless love.

In return, I will accept every single thing about you. I will not judge you based on your past. I will cherish our future.

Dear Mohd Redzuan Mohd Zin,

Will you allow me to wake you up at night so that we can perform qiamullail together? Will you listen to me as I recite the Testimony of Faith and correct my mispronunciations? Will you bring me to Mecca? Will you educate me on deen? Will you take care of my aurah?
In short, will you take my hand and lead me to His jannah?

Much love,
Siti Aqilah Abdul Rahim,
Your future wife (in shaa Allah).

p/s : Now that I have re-read this, it started to sound like a proposal, especially the last bit. Gulp!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Girl will Always be A Girl

Understanding girls is not as hard as most guys out there think.
No kidding!

When a GIRL is quiet,
Millions of things are running in her mind
When a GIRL is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply
When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around
When a GIRL answers “i’m fine” after a few seconds,
She is not at all fine
When a GIRL stares at you,
She is wondering why you are lying
When a GIRL lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever
When a GIRL calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention
When a GIRL sms’s u everyday,
She wants you to reply at least once
When a GIRL says I love you,
She means it
When a GIRL says that she can’t live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future
When a GIRL says “i miss you”,
No one in this world can miss you more than that.

p/s: Found this on the net but I have forgotten the source. Will update later if I happen to stumble upon the site which I copied it from.

Monday, November 12, 2012

This is not a complaint.

He just got back from Sydney.
Two days later, he was deputed to Thailand.
He flew back and left for Singapore two days later.
After spending five days here, he is off to Thailand. Again.
Two days after coming back, he is scheduled to leave for South Korea. For two weeks.

The long distance just got longer.

While others may envy his frequent abroad trips, I secretly wish that he will be spending more time at home. Well, it isn't really a secret because I know he knows that I want him to know that this is my wish. No, don't take me wrong. I am not complaining. I am happy for him. He gets to do things that he loves the most, something that I doubt I will get a chance to do, even in years to come. He gets to live his dream, and nothing will make me happier than that.

I knew what I was getting myself into, way before committing myself to him. According to the maps app on my phone, we live almost 512 km apart. That is equal to 8 hours of driving or 45 minutes of flying. But I don't know how many weeks it will take if we decide to walk instead. Being this far from each other, and thanks to the heavily packed schedules that both of us have to attend to, we only get to meet every three to four months. We had foreseen this back then. We had talked about this even before he commenced his quest to win my heart. He once asked me, 'what if you're asked to teach in your hometown? Would we still be able to meet each other?' and I replied, 'We can meet during the school holidays.' So, as you could have guessed, that is how things work for us now. So, really, no complaints!

Don't hide it. I could read what lingers at the back of your mind now. I know you'll be asking, 'So, if you're so used with the distance, why would you be bothered when he is deputed to work abroad?'

The answers are:
- Timezone.
- Unstable connection.
- Extra working hours.

So, yes, I am not complaining. But sometimes I wish he can spend a wee bit more of his time at home. He gets to rest and I get to call him any time of the day. Most importantly, I don't have to worry about his well being. Halal food is being served in almost every corner of Malaysia. See, it's a win-win situation.

Distance makes the hearts grow fonder

But since I am so damn madly in love with him, I choose to just live with this. Distance is nothing but another 8-letter word. No kidding! ;)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I want to write.

I badly miss scribbling and ranting and expressing my thoughts here.


Business is striking.

And I'm still under it's spell.

I just can't wait for the week to be over.

I need some time for me.

I need some time for my beloveds.


Adios for now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Some words are better left unspoken.
Some songs are better left unsang.
Some actions are better left undone.
Some food are better left uneaten.
Some problems are better left unsolved.
Some movies are better left unwatched.
Some secrets are better left untold.

Bite your tongue,
Glue your eyes,
Seal your lips,
Put your fingers into your ears.

And you,
You will remain unhurt.
You will remain composed.
You will remain as yourself.

There will be,
No heart to be broken,
No tears to be shed,
No blood to be spilled,
No trust to be shattered.

Some poems are better left unrecited.
Some titles are better left ungiven,
Some authors are better left unknown.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Ambitious Ambition.

Remember how teachers back then loved to ask us, 'what do you want to be when you grow up?'. I believe most of us would answer with something like, 'a doctor', or 'a teacher', or 'an engineer', or 'a pilot' and lots more along the line. Right?

Well, I myself told my teachers (and friends) that I wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to be a pilot but my dad didn't think that such job is appropriate for girls. So, I gave a second thought and chose doctor as my ambition. Dad was happy. So was mom. They loved the idea of me wanting to become a doctor. Whose parents wouldn't, right?

And no, I didn't turn out to be a doctor. I almost did get myself into studying medicine but I'm glad I didn't. My dad doesn't want his kids to study abroad so I had to kiss my so-called ultimate dream goodbye. It wasn't really hard as doctor wasn't really my real ambition to begin with.

Now that my ambition just found itself a grave to rest in peace, I was left with nothing else. I couldn't make up my mind. Even worse, I couldn't picture myself in five years' time. I was indecisive.

Due to various twists of facts, I received five placement offers from two local universities.
 - Bachelor of Product Design in USM
 - Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning in USM
 - Bachelor of Chemistry (with hons.) in UiTM
 - Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in UiTM
 - Bachelor of Education (TESL) in UiTM.

See? It was definitely not an easy choice to make. I was torn. I always love chemistry, so if it was up to me, I would definitely pick to major in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. And I love English too. Probably, a wee bit more than I love chemistry. But I wasn't keen of teaching. And dad was not keen of me becoming an engineer. Again, according to him, this is not an appropriate job for a girl. And mom, she had always wanted me to be a teacher.

As you could have guessed, I enrolled in TESL. And the rest is history.

My point is, if I can rewind the time and go back to the days when my teachers asked me such questions, I would answer it differently. I would tell them, 'When I grow up, I want to make my parents happy,'.

Good nite! ;)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rakastan sinua koko sydämestäni ♥

G'day, mate. ;p

Today is our three hundreds and sixty sixth day of being an item and I swear to God, I am so damn freaking over the moon. And because of that, today I grinned like an idiot and I reckon some of the teachers (and students) might have noticed it.

I am happy.
I am jubilant.
I am extremely exultant.
I'm happy like a kid who had just eaten her Happy Meal.
I'm happy like I have been given a limitless credit card and I can shop all shoes and handbags and dresses and scarfs and every single thing that I want and I don't even have to pay a single penny for that.
Yes, I am that happy.
I am happy to the extent that I fail to find perfect words or phrases to express my supreme happiness.

Aite, I may as well stop telling you how happy I am; I think I have over-used the word 'happy'.

Anyhow, no worries as I won't bore you with how everything started a year ago. I prefer to keep it as our little secret, something that will be told over and over again to our kids, InsyaAllah.

Over a year of committing myself to this relationship, I have experienced a lot of life-changing lessons.
I have finally learned how to put my trust in the hands of a guy.
I learned to dream beyond the sky.
I learned to allow my heart to be pleased with imperfections.
I learned to deliberate over my decisions.
I learned to give without taking.
I learned to love without hating.
And I learned to let my guard down.

Since the past 366 days, not a day has gone by without us talking to each other. Good morning texts and good night calls are vital. Like others, we do fight and have rows and arguments. But, we never conclude the day with anger. That, is among millions of things that I love about us.

I could go on and on and talk about how magical our love story is. But I won't because I know some of you are already on your way running for buckets. Gotcha!


O Allah, thank You for these 366 days of pure happiness and awesomeness. I am forever grateful to You for leading us to each another. While others get to brag about how big their house is, or how well they do in their business, or how much money they make everyday or how bright their skin glow, You give me reasons and more reasons to be grateful for being blessed with a man who happens to be my best friend, my guardian, my caretaker, my secret keeper and my joker.
Thank You for listening to my prayer.
And please, ease our journey to Your jannah.

Three hundreds and sixty six days ago, I stopped reading fairy tales as I began to write one of my own. Thank you, co-writer, Mohd Redzuan bin Mohd Zin. ;) 

It's been a year, Love. A year full of love. ♥

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Signs that You are with the Right One

Here's a checklist that can help you to measure the compatibility between you and your significant other. 

1- Do you laugh at each other?
2 - Can you see yourself with him/her in thirty years to come?
3 - Does his/her embrace feel like home? Is he the one that you seek in time of joy, sorrow and boredom?
4 - Can you read him/her like an open book? Does he/she buy your fake smiles?
5 - Does he/she know what to do when things get rough for you?
6 - Does the healthy and loving relationship of yours make others envy and wish they are in your shoes?
7 - When you have a good or bad news, is he/she the one that you turn to?

How many YES did you score? 


Princessy Enough?

All girls in this world are princesses. At least, to their fathers. And I believe that all of us want to be treated like one. But the question is, are we eligible enough to be treated that way? Do we behave princess-y enough?

If you think that behaving princess-y means acting like a spoiled brat, you may want to consider reconstructing your perception. On the contrary, a princess should possess outstanding characteristics that will distinguish her from others. Honesty, bravery, intelligence, compassion, kindness, gorgeous and gracefulness are among the traits that one must have if she wants to be acknowledged as a princess. Possessing these traits will make you beautiful at soul, something that even Photoshop or 10-inch make ups can't do.

Disney is famous for its lines of brave and lovely princesses. Each character represents different talents, abilities, cultures and ethnicities. Let's take a peek into their personalities so that you will be able to see which princess is your true royal match! ;D

Rapunzel has a multi-faceted personality. In her tower, Rapunzel is confident and determined. She takes time to study and educate herself about the world, and also develops and nurtures talents such as cooking and painting. Her curiosity eventually leads her to pursue her dream of seeing the annual display of lights in the sky. As she leaves her tower for the first time she is a bit shy and jumpy, and anxious about her choice to embark on such a journey. She vacillates between worry and excitement but eventually her sense of curiosity and thrill for discovery win out and she demonstrates great courage and bravery as she faces the world. She is smart, kind, charismatic, and adventurous. She shows that she is not afraid to stand up for herself should the need arise.

Princess Belle (from Beauty and the Beast)
Belle is a free thinker and a dreamer. She likes to read and go on adventures with her imagination. She is patient towards others but is not afraid to speak her mind. She is indeed very opinionated and quite intelligent. Belle is also compassionate and does not concern herself with appearances. Although Belle is stubborn, she is also very kind, loyal, graceful, and valiant.

Cinderella has a positively cheerful and sunny attitude no matter the circumstances. She is always hopeful of good things to come and is extremely patient and endlessly kind. Cinderella believes that through hard work and perseverance all her dreams can come true. She is very strong willed and determined, but always well-meaning and caring. Cinderella is incredibly honest and faithful, always standing for what is right.

Mulan seems to have little interest in romance. She is very independent and self-reliant. Although Mulan is clumsy, she makes up for it with courage and spunk. She is very brave and even heroic. Mulan has incredible determination and ingenuity, and can be a bit mischievous at times.

In the Native American tongue, the name Pocahontas means "Little Mischief" or "Naughty One." Indeed, Pocahontas is very free spirited and independent and sometimes gets into trouble. She loves adventure and nature, and has a real connection with animals. She is highly spiritual. Pocahontas is also very wise, noble, and brave. She is also athletic, skillful, and strong.

Ariel (from The Little Mermaid)
Ariel has a great passion for discovery and adventure. She is known to follow her heart, which often gets her into trouble for disobedience. Ariel is energetic, fun-loving, and outgoing, which makes her fun to be around. Ariel can be quite stubborn and determined and is sometimes classified as a bit of a daredevil.

Aurora (from Sleeping Beauty)
Aurora is blessed with the gifts of beauty and song. She has a beautiful singing voice but is otherwise soft spoken. She has a very sophisticated and refined air about her and is a very loyal friend. Princess Aurora is a hopeless romantic and has a great passion for love. She is kind, selfless, and obedient.

Jasmine (from Aladdin)
Jasmine is a spirited and headstrong young lady. She is fiercely independent with plenty of self-confidence and willpower. Princess Jasmine is rich and powerful and often comes across as sharp-tongued and arrogant. She is cunning and clever, but extremely honest and good at heart. Her impetuousness and curiosity often lead her on exotic adventures.

Snow White
Snow White is the type of person that sees the good in everyone and everything. She always follows her heart and does what's right. Snow White can be described as sweet, charming, cheerful, gentle, and pure. She never judges anyone, and is very nurturing and kind to others. Snow White can also be described as naive and innocent. She is very trusting and unfailingly optimistic.

Princess Tiana (from The Princess and The Frog)
Princess Tiana is a disciplined, hard-working individual who is not afraid to do things herself. She is independent and self-motivated. Tiana uses these traits to develop her skills as a talented chef. Princess Tiana is very funny, friendly and down-to-earth.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lafee - Tell me why

I am extremely extremely extremely extremely busy but somehow I feel obliged to keep my blog updated. So here I am. I try to recruit my brain cells to start working and find me some beautifully creative words to write. But meh. As always, they refuse to obey my commands and left me hanging like the hangaroo.

Aite, as much as I love to pour out all of my brain cells here as a punishment for their refusal, I got to work on my scripts and hence, I have to put this post to an end. Prematurely. As always.

But before that, I'm going to leave you guys (and girls) with this favourite song of mine. It was sang by my favourite Deutch artist, Lafee. Will put more infos/vids/piccies of Lafee once I have time to do so.

Until then, enjoy yourself. And sweet dreams! ;)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

That Girl in the Mirror

I often feel insecure about myself. Over the years, I have successfully developed the idea that I will never be good enough for my beloveds as I believe that I will never be able to meet their expectations.

And truth be told, there are times when I hate myself for being myself.

So, last night, for the hundredth time, my superboyfriend and I had a discussion on this issue (yet again). I could tell that he was getting tired of talking about the same thing over and over again.

The talk went on and on for a while and I kept denying whatever being said.

Suddenly, he made me stood next to him and asked me to look straight into a mirror.

He grabbed my arm and said,

'I love that girl in the mirror.'
'Every little thing about her.'

I think I cried.

No, I didn't. But I did shed a tiny tear and tried damn hard to make it invisible to his eyes.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Are you a big fan of famous designers but you are too afraid to show your fondness in front of your friends since you might pronounce the designers' names incorrectly?

Fret not! Here are some pronunciation lessons that you may want to practice while dolling yourself up. ;p

Have fun getting your tongue twisted!

Agnes B: Ah-ni-ess Beh
Abaeté: Ah-bye-ah-tay
Alejandro Ingelmo: Allay-handro In-gel-mo
Alexandre Herchcovitch: Ah-le-zan-dreh Hair-ch-co-vich
Andrew Gn: Andrew Jen (rhymes with “ten”)
Andy Thê-Anh: An-dee Tay-Ann
Anya Hindmarch: Ahn-ya Heind-march
Arthur Mendonça: Ar-thur Men-doe-sa
Badgley Mischka: Badge-lee Meesh-ka
Balenciaga: Bah-lin-cee-ah-gah
Balmain: Bal-mah
Bebe: Bee-bee
Bettye Muller: Beh-tee Meu-ler
Bottega Veneta: Bo-tega Ven-e-ta
Bulgari: Ball-gah-ree
Burberry Prorsum: Bur-bur-ree Pror-some
Carolina Herrera: Caro-leena Hair-era
Cartier: Kar-tee-aye
Cesare Paciotti: Che-sah-ray Pah-cho-tee
Chaiken: Chay-ken
Chanel: Shuh-nail
Christian Lacroix: La-Kwa
Christian Louboutin: Loo-boo-tahn
Dana Buchman: Day-nah Buck-man
Dior: Dee-or
Dries Van Noten: Drees Van Know-ten
Diane von Furstenberg: Fur-sten-berg (pronounced as spelled)
Dolce & Gabbana: Dole-ch-aye Ga-bon-na
Dries Van Noten: Drees Van Know-ten
Emilio Pucci: Eh-mi-li-oh Poo-ch-ee
Ermenegildo Zegna: Er-men-a-geel-do Zen-ya
Etienne Aigner: Eh-tee-yen On-yay
Furla: Fer-luh
Gareth Pugh: Gareth Pew
Gianfranco Ferre: Gee-an-fran-co Fr-aire
Giles Deacon: Jy-els Dee-kin
Givenchy: Jee-von-shee
Giambattista Valli: Gee-ahm-battista Valley
Gucci: Goo-chee
Hedi Slimane: Eddy Sli-mahn
Hermès: Err-mez
Hervé Léger: Air-vay Lay-jay
Issey Miyake: Ee-seh Mi-yah-key
Jean Paul Gaultier: Zhan Paul Go-tee-aye
James Perse: James Perse (as in a lady’s purse, not ‘pierce your ear’)
Joeffer Caoc: Joe-fur Kay-ock
Junya Watanabe: Joon-ya Wah-tah-nah-bay
Lambertson Truex: Lam-bert-son Tru-ex
Lanvin: Lon-vahn or Lon-vawn
L’Wren Scott: Le-ren Skot
Loewe: Low-ev-ay
Louis Vuitton: Loo-ee Voo-ee-ton
Longchamp: Lon-chahn
Madame Gres: Mah-dam Gray
Marchesa: Mar-kay-sa
Mainbocher: Maynbo-shay
Moschino: Mos-keen-o
Monique Lhullier: Mo-neek Loo-lee-ay
Narciso Rodriguez: Nar-siss-so Ro-dree-gez
Nicolas Ghesquière: Ni-co-la Guess-ki-air
Olivier Theyskens: Oli-vier Tay-skins
Pierre Cardin: Pee-air Car-dain
Prada: Prah-da
Proenza Schouler: Pro-enza Skool-er
Ralph Lauren: Ralph Lauren (as in Lauren the girl’s name, not Sophia Loren, RL is an American)
Rei Kawakubo: Ray Kah-wah-koo-bo
Rodarte: Ro-dar-tay
6267: Six-two-six-seven (not Sixty-two-sixty-seven)
Sonia Rykiel: Saun-ya Ree-kee-eel
Sophia Kokosalaki: So-fee-a Ko-ko-sah-lah-kee
Tapeet by Vicini: Ti-peet by vi-ch-ee-knee
Thakoon: Ta-koon
Thierry Mugler: Tee-air-ree Moog-lay
Tibi: Tbi or Tu-by (not Tee-bee)
Tocca: Toe-ka
Ungaro: Oon-ga-ro
Versace: Ver-sah-chee
Vionnet: Vee-oh-nay
Yohji Yamamoto: Yo-jee Ya-ma-mo-to
Yves Saint Laurent: Eve San Lor-ron
Zac Posen: Poe-zen

p/s : Which one is your favourite?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Haf ya?

Have you ever cried in your dream?
and woke up to realise that you're crying in reality too?
Have you ever felt so paranoid to close your eyes?
Afraid that you might fall asleep
And dream of the same dream
that smashes your heart to smithereens.

Have you felt so insecure that you are afraid of your own reflection?
Because it may laugh at your own weary soul.
Have you ever felt like running from your own shadow?
Because it may swallow the only pride that you have left.

Have you ever wished
that for a moment,
There will be someone who will actually hear your sadness
Through your laughters
And see your pain
Through your smiles.

No, you haven't.

10 Tips on How to be a Successful Husband

This was not originally written by me. I found it as I roamed around Facebook. But since this is such a beautiful piece, I can't resist the urge to have this shared here. The original entry can be found by clicking this.

Remember how normal husbands are very keen to do polygamy, by stressing that it is part of sunnah? Then, they should read this, as it is a must-read for husbands who want to live by the 'sunnah'. Happy reading, fellas!

10 Tips on How to be a Successful Husband 

1.) Dress up for your wife, look clean and smell good. When was the last time us men went shopping for designer pajamas? Just like the husband wants his wife to look nice for him, she also wants her husband to dress up for her too. Remember that Rasulullah SAW would always start with Miswak when returning home and always loved the sweetest smells.

2.) Use the cutest names for your wife. Rasulullah SAW had nicknames for his wives, ones that they loved. Call your wife by the most beloved names to her, and avoid using names that hurt their feelings.

3.) Don’t treat her like a fly. We never think about a fly in our daily lives until it ‘bugs’ us. Similarly, a wife will do well all day - which brings no attention from the husband - until she does something to ‘bug’ him. Don’t treat her like this; recognize all the good that she does and focus on that.

4.) If you see wrong from your wife, try being silent and do not comment! This is one of the ways Rasulullah SAW used when he would see something inappropriate from his wives Radiallahu Anhunn. It is something that very few muslim men have learnt or practice with their wives.

5.) Smile at your wife whenever you see her and embrace her often. Smiling is sadaqah and your wife is not exempt from the muslim ummah. Imagine life with her constantly seeing you smiling. Remember also those Ahadith when Rasulullah SAW would kiss his wife before leaving for Salah, even if he was fasting.

6.) Thank her for all that she does for you. Then thank her again! Take for example a dinner at your house. She makes the food, cleans the home, and a dozen other tasks to prepare. And sometimes the only acknowledgement she receives is that there needed to be more salt in the soup. Don’t be that person; thank her!

7.) Ask her to write down the last ten things you did for her that made her happy. Then go and do them again. It may be hard to recognize what makes her happy. You don’t have to play a guessing game, ask her and work on repeating those things in your life.

8.) Don’t belittle her desires. Comfort her. Sometimes the men may look down upon the requests of their wives. Rasulullah SAW set the example for us in an incident when Safiyyah RA was crying because, as she said, he had put her on a slow camel. He wiped her tears, comforted her, and brought her the camel.

9.) Be humorous and play games with your wife. Make her laugh, have little ‘inside’ jokes and moments with her. Honestly your wife's laughter is one of the best sounds in life. Make her smile keep and her happy. Look at how Rasulullah SAW would race his wife Aisha RA in the desert. When was the last time we did something like that?

10.) Always remember the words of Allah’s Messenger SAW: “The best of you are those who treat their families the best. And I am the best amongst you to my family.”

Try to be the best! Never forget to make dua to Allah SWT to make your marriage successful. And Allah SWT knows best. :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012


It's been a while.
I know.

So, Hello! ;)

A friend of mine liked this wedding business on facebook and out of curiosity, I clicked the page too and voila! I found heaven. I was drowned in the idea of a perfect wedding for a while and truth be told, I can't believe how wedding-enthusiastic I've became. Waaaah!

I wasn't a big fan of weddings until recently. Couple of years ago, I set my priority and kept my focus on creating my version of a perfect career. It was my biggest dream to be successful, career-wise. I was so focused and couldn't be bothered to think about getting married. In fact, I would get really grumpy and peevish every time my mom asked me to accompany her to attend a wedding ceremony. Don't ask me why I developed such preference but I must confess, the idea seemed to excite me. I frequently spent my time thinking about ways to earn more money and to keep myself occupied. Tho money wasn't really my omphalos, I can't deny that it somehow motivated me to keep going. So that was me then. When I was in my early twenties, energetic and ambitious. When weddings were just not my thing.

What have changed, you may ask.

There is only one answer to that. I have found a guy that knocks my heart (and he still keeps knocking) and I am eager to let him in.

Now, at the age of 25 (please, read this as SEVENTEEN), I change my mind and start to think that weddings are not as bad as I used to think. In fact, they are not bad at all. On the contrary, they emit positive vibes, the kind of feeling that makes you feel like you want one of your own too. So yeah, I am proud to announce that I no longer despise the idea of me getting married. Yayness!!

Anyway, let's get to the real deal.
I have been surveying a few dias(es) or better known as pelamin among us Malaysians. And I found a few that catch my attention.

For instance,

this one,

or this one,

and this one too,

or this,

And for cakes, I love something nerdy like this one,

or fairytale-ish like this,

and this one too,

And finally, here are my preferred wedding invitation cards,

and this one too,

and this pop out card,

Eyecandies, they are, right? For sure, I won't be getting anything like those for my dad is a very super duper creative person and knowing him, I am 110% sure that he will getting me something more beautiful than any of these. Okay, perasan je. There are many more actually but I am too lazy to copy the links. Hehehe. 

I also have a few wedding gowns/dresses that left me breathless but since I have plans to mix and match them, I would rather keep them to myself so that it will come out as a surprise when my time arrives soon. Weee~ 

Aite, at this point, please don't get me wrong. As much as I love weddings, I have no actual realistic plan to organize one any time soon. It will most probably happen next year, or the year after but certainly not this year. I still have few things that I need to attend to and until everything is fully resolved, there is no way anyone can hear my wedding bell rings.

Really, thinking about a dream wedding is rather addictive and I can't seem to find a way to stop. I wonder whether guys do occupy their braincells with thoughts like this too. Tho I highly doubt that. Ehee.

I prefer my wedding to be simple yet memorable. ;)

And with that, I have to put this entry to its end. It is almost eleven and I have to go.


Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan jodoh kita semua. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Eid Mubarak!

I, Siti Aqilah, would love to seek forgiveness for any hiccup, mishap and misdemeanor that I have accidentally or purposedly done, intended and caused, be it physically, verbally, emotionally or mentally.

May this Ramadhan conclude with Allah blessing us with His forgiveness and barakah. May He grant us with the chance to meet Ramadhan again in years to come, insyaAllah.

Eid Mubarak to all kith and kin, beloveds and enemies.

p/s: Yes, you will be seeing this on my Facebook too. Heee..

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Little Du'a for The Singles Out There

Read a very meaningful article/du'a on facebook and I'm thinking about sharing it with my readers (Let's just pretend that I have at least one). ;D

The day you marry your wife, is the day Allaah places a trust and responsibility on you to give her the rights as a wife and she becomes your family, your comforter, the mother of your children so fear Allaah in regards to your duties as a husband.

O dear sister, When you marry your husband you leave your birth home and you become a real woman. your husband becomes your family,your maintainer and protector, the father of children, your friend and lover so treat him well and follow him to the ends of the earth fear Allaah in regards to how you treat him. Marriage in Islam completes half of your deen Do not be swayed by good looks or money as these will come and go. Marry a man who Truly fears and loves Allaah. Who puts Islam 1st before anything Learn and walk in deen together Go in a marriage with the purpose in getting closer to Allaah and Inshallaah it will be a blessed marriage Inshallaah !!!::)

oh Allah in this blessed month of Ramadan I ask you to make it easy for our brothers and sisters to find their partners. Oh Allah accept this dua'aa only solely if my brothers & sisters are practising Muslims and that our sisters are wearing the hijab.Ameeen yaa raaab al alameeen.

A very wonderful piece indeed, ain't it?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Random Piece Of Sheet

I am an active thinker, I believe. An active thinker with a high tendency to overthink. And allows the thinking to take the best out of me. And allows the thinking to suck out the positive vibes out of me and leaves me with nothing but despair and insecurity. Yes, insecurity. Very synonymous with me indeed. Like a good old friend. It knows me very well, inside out. It knows what tickles me. Just like it knows what hurts me. I see no point in writing this entry. I don't have much to say. No, actually I don't have anything to say at all. I just thought that I need to have my mind distracted. And yes, writing about anything can keep my mind from going crazy. I think of what may happen tomorrow. I think about what will happen during Eid. And those are not happy thoughts. Happy thoughts and me don't get along very well. Happy thoughts hate me. Happy thoughts don't see me as a friend. Yes, reading this entry will not lead you to anywhere. This is an empty entry. Like an empty glass. Like an empty jar. So I don't see a point to have this organized properly.

Good nite. To those who are sleeping. And to those who are going to sleep.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Carpe Diem, Aisyah

I discovered that I had been featured on one of my students's blogs. It was a simple entry but enough to have me flattered. Thanks sweetie pie.

This is her blog. Do check it out at Aisyah. She has plenty to share with us on her recent move to Saudi Arabia.

So Aisyah, that very kind gesture of yours earns you my little token of appreciation which happened to be a few lines of wisdom (ecewah. Wisdom la sgt).

Aite. Here you go.

Dear Aisyah,

Pardon me for my failure to see you on your last day at SMKJ. I was sent to attend a course in Kota Bharu. It was on a very short notice so I didn't have time to see you beforehand. I'm so sorry.

Anyway, I wish you well. May everything cruises smoothly and I really hope that things are treating you great. May Allah grant you and your family with His endless blessings.

It was a real pleasure to have you as my student. You completed the homeworks that I had assigned and you were not as talkative as the rest of your classmates. So yay for that! ;D

Do remember that things are not going to be the same with your new school. You will be using English extensively. But don't fret. You will do fine. I believe you will. Don't be afraid to make new friends. Learn about their culture and language. Observe the way they behave and think. You will be amazed at how much you can learn. Seize the chance, Aisyah. Don't let anything stops you. Allah is actually giving you a chance to turn over a new leaf. Start anew. Be brave. Be optimistic. Be adenturous. CARPE DIEM!

But, no matter how far you travel, no matter how deep you dive, no matter how high you fly, ALWAYS ALWYS ALWAYS put Allah first. If you ever have to contemplate about something, do it deliberately. Ask yourself; Is Allah going to be happy with whatever I am doing? Strive for Allah's blessing and put it as your top priority. Take care of your family. Be an obedient daughter. There will be times when you think that they don't understand you. During those times, you have to remember that parents can see what we are unable to see. They are able to foresee the future of their children. So, respect them. Honour them. Aite?

So all in all, take good care of your iman, your solats, your parents and your family, your soul and your pride.

I wish you all the best luck in the whole universe. ;)

Much love.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nine Nine!

Much love to you for allowing me to share your joy and sorrow since the last nine months. You have no idea how grateful I am.

Thank you Baby!

Here's a little something for you. ;)


You are the apple of my eye
You make me wanna fly

You are the silver lining of my cloud
You constantly make me proud

You are the sugar to my rush
You are my only favourite crush

You are the drug to my addict
Being with you, I don't want the clock to ever tick

You are the sun to my light
You make my smile becomes so bright


This poem is incomplete, yes I am fully aware of the fact. But since I was running out of time (to think of the additional verses which can help to complement the poem), I had to settle with this one.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

can I borrow your wife?

So I was assigned to teach a new class after they re-assembled my schedule. Meeting the students for the first time, I have decided to measure their level of proficiency. This is a standard procedure for me as I need to know how well they can understand me. I wouldn't want to bore them to death and go all syok sendiri

I asked them to tell me what do they know about English and they responded that they don't know much. I then aked them to give me complete English sentences that they know. Being in the E class, their answers were a bit above the par as I have taught another E class before and they could hardly speak English.

As I was about to wrap the activity, one boy stood up to give me his complete English sentence. Out loud, he blurted, "Can I borrow your wife?"

I pretend as though I didn't hear that. 


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Boo Moment Of Mine

I am such a funny little girl. You see, I am in this superlong distance relationship with my superboyfriend. Hence, we don't get to see much of each other. So, despite all the cookings and bakings (yes, I purposedly put the 's' there to emphasize how many cooking and baking that I have been doing lately), my superboyfriend is yet to taste any of the delicious cuisine of mine.

Anyway, my superboyfriend travelled 7 hours last week to see me. And he brought me two doodle bears to keep me accompanied while he's away for work. Flattered with his romantic gestures, I have decided to return his love by surprising him with my baking. After much deliberation, I have chosen to bake a red velvet cake, seeing that the recipe and me are closely acquainted recently.

The fact that we rarely have a chance to date resulted in us trying to spend as much time together as possible. He arrived on the Friday evening and we went out for dinner. Only after that I had a chance to rummage through my mom's kitchen to look for the ingredients that I might need for the baking. To my great disappointment, many of the important ingredients were no where to be found in the vicinity. I was about to head out to do some shopping before I realised that it was already eleven. Post Meridiem! Grr..

I was left with no choice but to try out a different recipe. The problem with the recipe was, I never tried it out before. Hence I did not know what to expect out of it. I was nervous. I never felt this way before but maybe this is a sign. Or perhaps, the reason why I got all edgy was because I was trying to cook for someone who is very most probably will be spending his whole life eating my cooking. Anyhow, I chose to carry out the previously-planned surprise using the newly-found recipe and guess what, the cake surprised me instead! It looked nothing like the cake made from my favourite secret recipe and it tasted NOTHING like it. Oh yeah, in case you couldn't have guessed, the cake (my supposed-to-be red velvet cake) went all wrong! I was devastated but I tried to be optimistic as I always am. The process took me couple of hours and I headed to bed at 3.

I was anxious and restless and I couldn't sleep that night. I woke up at five but since I was in this semi-conscious state, I remained in the bed for some moments while waiting for the Subuh prayer to due. Right after performing Subuh, I went to the kitchen and took out the cream cheese and whipping cream to desfrost them and allow them to cool at room temperature. Eh, why am I being so deliberate with my story? Let's just skip this. I wouldn't want to bore you to death reading this. I barely have readers who are willing to read my entries voluntarily. I couldn't afford to lose the small group (as if there is any) that I have!

So the story shall continue here. Aite, it was seven by that time and I had to drive my sister to a photography competition by a beach and that beach requires 30 minutes of driving. And I was scheduled to meet my superboyfriend for breakfast at eight so I really need to act fast. The cream cheese was not completely defrosted as it needed more time. This later resulted in formation of lumps in my frosting mixture. At this stage, I was about to give up but my heart told me not to. With only fifteen minutes left before the clock stroke eight, I quickly showered and dolled up myself for our date. Just before I left, I tasted the cake for the last time and it was then I realised that I had to forfeit this plan of mine. Not only that the cake looked horrible, the taste also failed to do it any justice.

Basically, that was how my surprise ended. Right into the trash can. I didn't eat the leftover of the cake. Neither did my family as I warned them not to. Frustrated, yes! A lot indeed! But I have learnt a valuable lesson. Never plan a surprise unplanned.

I hope I didn't smell bad on our date. Especially after I was half an hour late.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Medilove Kit

So here is the story which was meant to be blogged yesterday but I had to have it postponed as it contained country's top secret. Blergh.

You see, my superboyfriend is super manja. Despite his attempt to be gagah perkasa all the time and take good care of me, he has a high tendency to fall ill everytime he travels abroad. Being a responsible and loving girlfriend, I did remind him to prepare himself with a medical kit which can be consumed in the time of emergency. But as you could have guessed, my efforts did not avail.

Hence, when he told me that he will be spending the first two weeks of Ramadhan in Laemchabang, I have decided to equip him with a medical kit which has been made with lots of love.

I have included things which I believe are vital for him to have. I might not be around when he falls ill next time, but I have my little soldiers to do wonder and help him to recover.
Here is how my medilove kit looks like. No fancy-wrapping whatsoever, thanks to the time constraint. Haih.

Nonetheless, I wish you would never need these things for I always pray for your health. ;)

p/s: Told ya. This is a poyo post. ;p

Katy Perry - Wide Awake


I was halfway through when my tablet suddenly froze, resulted in me having to start my entry all over again. Lucky that I am too wide awake or else I would head to bed. So here it goes again. I hope my memory does not fail me. *keeps my fingers crossed*

So, yeah. Here is one of Katy Perry's recently-released singles and I must admit that I am a little bit in love with the song. After all, I almost love all of Katy's songs, special thanks to her outstanding voice. Except for one or two.

I am a lyrics analyst. I don't just listen to the songs. I memorize the thesis statement of the song. I could be humming to the song because I get the lyrics mixed up but I never ever forget what the song is all about.

The reason why I put this up is because I am soooo wide awake. On contrary to what the song may try to imprint (this song is about waking up after being entangled with nets of deceit), I am doing fine here. I admit that I was a bit distracted last night (which explains my previous strange entry), but I am perfectly fine today. I really am.

I myself can't quite explain what is wrong with me but I'm blaming the hormones. Hello estrogens, thanks for swinging my moods, ya? Grr. I was exhausted and felt so helpless last night. But this morning, I chirp like a bird. Seriously. I have been up since four. Had my sahur buffet with my family where I gobbled up nasi lemak, lasagna, cereals, egg and toast, fried megi, chicken loaf and sausages. I must have looked like a monster because my parents stared at me in disbelief. No kidding!

And now, despite back to bed, I am writing an entry for my blog. Wide awake! What is wrong with me?

I think that's a wrap. I need to get off the tablet. It is time for me to check whether my boyfriend is already up or not. Or he will be late for his work. See, I am such a responsible girlfriend. Yikes!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

dub dub dub

I am excited to update something here and I have even snapped a couple of pictures to do the talking. But since this is supposed to be a surprise, I will keep the story to myself first before I finally have it revealed.

So stay tune! 

p/s: This is a poyo entry. I know.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Ouch Moment Part 2

me : Sayang, you tau tak klu kita lap tgn kita dgn tisu sblm basuh tgn, tgn kita jadik tak berminyakkkkk..

him : Sayang, you tau tak klu kita jilat jari lps mkn sblm basuh tgn, tgn kita jadik tak berminyakkkk.. 

me : Ouch!

him : Hehe. Dan ianya sunnah, Sayang. 

Jatuh cinta lagi!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Today is our eighth month-versary.

So Sayang,


I love you once,
I love you twice.
I love you more than beans and rice.

disclaimer : I don't own the picture. I just happened to find it in my sis' laptop. ;D

Still Standing

Remember that commercial break which advertised hair gel or something like that and it used the tagline of 'still standing'? Aite, no, I'm neither going to talk about the hair gel nor the commercial break. It is just something that crossed my mind as I think of something to write as the title.

Pheww.. I've been on quite a long hiatus. Almost a month and half. I wasn't hiberdating (I wish I do but no, I didn't). I just can't seem to extract anything out of this juicy brain of mine. I do have a lot of things to talk about as it is close to impossible for me to run out of things to say but nothing seems right. Something is wrong with my brain, perhaps. Or to be more precise, I suspect something is happening to my lingual ability. Like it has been dented. I can't seem to find the perfect words to perfectly describe what I have in mind. My sentences are hard to be comprehended and semantically wrong. And I can't find ways to put words in any correct order. Oh my God! Is that a sign for me to re-learn syntax? -.- 

Anyway, after taking such a long break, I have decided to blog on few things. You see, although I was on leave, I constantly keep my mental blog checklist updated. I stored a few topics that I wish to blog about in that particular checklist so that I can retrieve it back anytime I feel like blogging so I won't be facing the writer's block. It was a brilliant idea, wasn't it? But the problem with my mental blog checklist is, I am keen (too keen actually) to have it updated that the ideas started to get mixed up and I end up losing the originality of the prior ideas. All of these resulted in me not being able to write anything. Pfftt.. It's happening again. The writer's block. I have been infected. Once again. I gotta go. And have this unblocked. Ciao.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ali 'Ilman

I attended a wedding ceremony of a family last Saturday and bumped into this cute chubby young lad. This little prince was crowned as Ali 'Ilman and he belongs to my cousin. Seeing that I haven't seen him for quite a while, I decided to kidnap him. Hehehe. So here are a few shots featuring that chubby monster. ;D
My sister is envious of his hand!
me and baby!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


The clock just ticked, indicating that we are now moving to the second hour passed midnight. I am sleepy and tired after a long day at my aunt's house. But I still can't sleep. My brain is acting up. Again. *sigh*. There are a lot of things racing through my mind tonight and to be perfectly honest, they are not happy thoughts. Being me, I have a very high tendency to store trivial matters at the back of my brain and jog through them as I am about to head to bed. The thoughts will stay with me and if the dice is not loaded against me, I'll be holding tight to the thoughts till 4-5 am. Ridiculously annoying, I know. But I have no power to go against the habit. It is something that happens to happen naturally. Blogging, tweeting and facebooking will only make this insomnia of mine gets worse. So I'm signing out. Trying to get some sleep. I need to restore my beauty as I have a wedding ceremony to attend tomorrow. Good night.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


SOHO OPTIC LINEN HOBO RM 630 Optic linen fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handles with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W)
SOHO LEATHER HOBO RM 663 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W)
SOHO LEATHER HOBO RM 663 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W)
SOHO LEATHER HOBO RM 663 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W)
SOHO LEATHER HOBO RM 698 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W)
SOHO SIGNATURE HOBO SILVER/KHAKI/MAHOGANY RM 630 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W) < This is a signature product
SOHO SIGNATURE HOBO SILVER/LIGHT KHAKI/BLUSH RM 630 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W) < This is a signature product
SOHO SIGNATURE HOBO RM 630 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 8 3/4" drop 11 3/4" (L) x 11 1/4" (H) x 3 1/2" (W) This is a signature product
SOHO OPTIC LINEN LARGE HOBO RM 766 Optic linen fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handles with 9" drop 14 1/2" (L) x 13 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W)
SOHO LEATHER LARGE HOBO RM 766 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 9" drop 14 1/2" (L) x 13 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W)
SOHO LEATHER LARGE HOBO RM 766 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 9" drop 14 1/2" (L) x 13 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W)
SOHO LEATHER LARGE HOBO RM 766 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 9" drop 14 1/2" (L) x 13 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W)
SOHO LEATHER LARGE HOBO RM 766 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 9" drop 14 1/2" (L) x 13 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W)
SOHO SIGNATURE LARGE HOBO RM 663 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 9" drop 14 1/2" (L) x 13 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W) This is a signature product
SOHO SIGNATURE LARGE HOBO RM 663 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Snap closure, fabric lining Handle with 9" drop 14 1/2" (L) x 13 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W) This is a signature product
SIGNATURE ALEXANDRA RM 698 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Zip-top closure, fabric lining Outside zip pocket Handles with 8 1/2" drop Longer strap for shoulder or crossbody wear 14" (L) x 12 1/2" (H) x 5 1/4" (W) This is a signature product
SIGNATURE ALEXANDRA RM 698 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Zip-top closure, fabric lining Outside zip pocket Handles with 8 1/2" drop Longer strap for shoulder or crossbody wear 14" (L) x 12 1/2" (H) x 5 1/4" (W) This is a signature product
LEATHER ALEXANDRA RM 732 Leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Zip-top closure, fabric lining Handles with 9 1/4" drop Longer strap for shoulder wear 12" (L) x 13 1/4" (H) x 5 1/4" (W)
MADISON SIGNATURE C MAGGIE RM 800 Signature fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Zip-top closure, fabric lining Handles with 10" drop 13" (L) x 11 1/2" (H) x 5" (W) This is a signature product
MADISON EMBOSSED METALLIC LEATHER MAGGIE RM 941 Embossed metallic leather Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Center zippered compartment, fabric lining Handles with 10" drop 13" (L) x 12 1/4" (H) x 3 3/4" (W)
MADISON GRAPHIC OP ART SOPHIA SATCHEL RM 800 Graphic Op Art fabric with leather trim Inside zip, cell phone and multifunction pockets Handles with 5" drop Longer strap for shoulder wear 14 1/4" (L) x 9 1/2" (H) x 3 1/4" (W) This is a signature product