Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Surprise! Surprise!

You know how the saying goes, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'?

But the kind of apple that I'm having right now is drawing me even closer to the medic team.

Yes, I'm talking about my soon-to-be apple of my eyes.
My little baby!

So, yes, there is a bun in the oven - I am pregnant!!!
It's been couples of weeks now. In fact, I just passed through the threshold of the second trimester and it feels so damn good.

I lost my appetite during the first trimester. I mean, it totally deflated. I had no desire to eat. I hated seeing food. I couldn't stand the smell of it, especially the fried ones. I felt nauseous. I threw up every now and then but luckily for me, it didn't evolve to become my daily habits. Phewww.. I hated my own perfume, my husband's perfume and for the first few weeks, the smell of my husband somehow irked me. Fortunately, I managed to put that under control. Weeee~

And oh yes, I hated and still hate KFC and McDonald's. I don't know why but I hate them so much to the extent that I can't stand looking at their signboards. Which is good for both me and little baby as I read somewhere saying that fast food can actually cause jaundice among newborns. It wasn't from a medical research so I don't know how true the fact is but prevention is better than cure, ain't it?

Being pregnant is one of the most amazing things that ever happened to me. Truth be told, the little baby does come as a surprise. A very pleasant surprise, indeed. Husband has been dying to have his own kids. He even told me that before he courted me! I, on the other hand, always told my husband (my boyfriend/fiance of that time) that I wanted to keep things slow. I would rather spend the first year of our marriage together seeing that we rarely had a chance to date back then. But Almighty has a different plan for us. And despite my earlier plan, I am very grateful to see the result of my UPT. Husband, of course, is so thrilled. Once, he accompanied me to see my gynecologist. He was amazed to see the ultrasound image of the little baby. It has taken its shape and couldn't stop kicking around. Husband walked out of the examination room with a wide grin plastered on his face. And as for me, there is no word to describe how happy I was to see him walking on cloud nine like that.

Thank you Allah for this little surprise that brings so much joy to our family.

May everything cruise smoothly.

Aameen. ;)

Friday, October 25, 2013

I'm Falling For You - Chester See

So this is I'm Falling For You by Chester See.

This song is very close to me. Husband and I, we have been friends for God knows how long. And it has always been 'just friends' among us. We share secrets, even the dark ones!I had him coming ranting to me about his exes. And I cried (figuratively, not literally of course!) to him as I asked for some love advises. He was my Dr. Love and vice versa. God knows what kind of advises that I gave him. LOL. I even, at one point of our friendship, addressed him as my 'YM boyfriend'. But we didn't fall into each other until a couple of years later and thanks God for making it mutual.

The good thing about falling for your own secret keeper is the fact that you have absolutely (or almost) no secrets to be ashamed of. You know him/her deep down to the core and it is just simply beautiful.

At least I know he still loves me for who I am, even after those stupid breakdowns. Blergh.

Friday, October 18, 2013


You know, when you bring 50 bucks to a shop and the shopkeeper tells you that with that particular amount of money, you can only bring home one lousy small and rusty handbag, you will feel very frustrated. There is a fat chance that you will even hate the shopkeeper and swear not to return to his shop ever again. Because deep down, you know that with that money, you deserve something more exquisite than a lousy and rusty small handbag.

On the contrary, if you bring 50 cents to a shop and the shopkeeper tells you that with that little amount of money, you can only bring home a plastic bag, you will feel very grateful. And there is a fat chance that you will thank the shopkeeper for giving you the opportunity to at least have the plastic bag.

Yes, can you see what I am trying to impose here? Putting something at stake usually comes with an expectation. The bigger the stake gets, the bigger the expectation will be.

Good night.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Superdaddy Turns Twenty :p

Selamat hari lahir, Ayahanda. You're now a year wiser, fatter and richer than you were back in 2012. May Allah grant you paradise, accept your good deeds and forgive your transgressions. May His blessing, happiness and joy find you, and may all your dreams come true. 

Hadiah tunggu next year eh? Kakak tgh proses lg ni. Muahahaha. 

I love you, my first love, my first superhero. I always do. ;)


Friday, October 4, 2013

Big tomorrow

Tomorrow is a quite a big day.
Husband is coming home (finally!) after two weeks being away.
And the most important thing is, I have my appointment tomorrow. Well, the appointment was initially scheduled on Sunday but due to some reasons, both husband and I believe that it would be much better if we bring the date a day earlier.
So, yes. I am so excited about tomorrow. I wish I can just sleep and wake up in tomorrow.
Thinking about the appointment makes me sweat but hands held high, I hope everything will be great.
Aameen! ;)

So, see you guys tomorrow.
Hopefully I have something wonderful to be shared here.
Pray for me, pretty please! :D