Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lemons Lemons Come to Memons!

When life gives me lemons, I pick them up and sell them to fund my impulsive shopping habit. So life, gimme more lemons please. Preferably the yellow ones.

As I googled for a cute picture of lemons to suit this little quote of mine, I came across this ten interesting facts about lemons as can be read here. Seeing that I desperately want to become an informative blogger (aite, you are allowed to puke now), I have decided to share the facts with my readers (as if I have any. *sighs*) Nonetheless, here are the fun facts.

  1. Lemons are high in vitamin C, anti-bacterial, antioxidant and believed to be anti-carcinogenic 
  2. Mix equaly with water, put in spray bottle and you have an effective bathroom and kitchen cleaner.
  3. Half a lemon stored in the fridge will eliminate unpleasent smells. 
  4. Makes a chemical free, green air fresener. 
  5. To clean chrome, copper or brass, rub in lemon juice with baking soda, then rinse and wipe with cloth or paper towel. 
  6. Eliminate limescale from taps, sink or kettle by soaking overnight with lemon 
  7. Eliminate bacteria from wooden chopping boards by soaking overnight with lemon 
  8. For an excellent furniture polish mix 1 part lemon and 2 parts olive oil. 
  9. Lemon mixed with one cup warm water makes for a great hair conditioner. It should be allowed to stay in your hair for a few minutes then washed off 
  10. Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

More reasons to keep lemons at home! And more reasons to welcome lemons to your daily life.  ;D

Aite, I really need to stop pretending to be an einstein.

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