Friday, March 1, 2013

500 days

I have this habit of counting days that we have spent together.
Looking at the number makes me realized that God must have love me so much that He decided to bless me with such a wonderful person.

And in shaa Allah, shall everything go according to plan, we will unite in the name of God. Our very own pure matrimony of love will be sealed this May 24th. May Allah ease this little plan of ours. Aamiin.




Happy 500th Day, Sweetheart.
Yes, it's been 500 days.
500 magnificent days.

Five hundreds days,
not a single day had passed us by
without me falling in love with you.

Through joy and sorrow,
through sun and rain,
through thick and thin,
through black and white,
through ups and downs,
through laughter and tears,
you have always been there with me.

To be loved by you,
and to love you,
are indeed two of the best things that ever happened in my life.
And with hands held high I shall pray,
that these two things will keep happening
for the rest of my life.

Happy 500th days.
I love you once,
I love you twice,
I love you more than beans and rice.