2* Sleepiness reduces your ability to answer impromptu questions. The most ideal way to get away from being questioned is by pretending to be reading something. Or (if that doesn’t work), you can fake a headache. But before you do any of the above suggestions, you have to make sure that u left some paper scattered on your table. If you have pills or any other medication, then it is a bonus.These should give the please-leave-me-alone-because-i-am-trying-to-do-some-thinking-here signs.
3* Never actually try to read something. NEVER! You will fall asleep before you can even read the second line. And of course, you will hardly make sense of what you have read in the first line.
4* Avoid people who love to brag about themselves, obsess with something/someone, and have deep personal issues as well as sleepyheads. They will only drag you further down into the lalaland.
5* Try to look around and see what other sleepyheads are doing. Are they doing the exact thing that you are doing right now? Their uneasiness and restless behavior can somehow provide you entertainment that you desperately need to keep your eyes wide open. And, of course, you can sharpen on your human analysis skills as well!
6* You will always ALWAYS determine to sleep earlier tonight but believe me, you will never be able to do that. There is always something to distract you from actually doing that. Like having to get something done, wanting to watch live telecast of some sport events, catching a re-run episode of a soap drama and blah blah blah.
7* Staring at the clock every 30 seconds is your must-do routine. You will later discover that time freezing does exist!
8* There is no such thing as ideal time to feel sleepy. The sleepiness is always there, like a passive virus, waiting to be activated whenever the condition is conducive enough.
9* You will try to figure out the most appropriate sleeping pose. Anything would do as long as nobody catches you sleeping.
10* Before you start sleeping soundly, you will first start to imagine things that you have always wanted to buy or places that you have been dreaming to go. And then, the vision will get clearer and clearer and you begin to think that it is becoming reality. Well, at least, it is until you are suddenly wakened up by the sound of the door being closed.
And there goes my 10 random facts that come to my in head in no particular order.
The only reason why I wrote this near-to-useless list is because…
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