Nap-less Thursday.
A quite-early Friday.
Thanks for my excessive eagerness to get a new layout for this blog.
As I ventured into teaching, I have developed this little habit in which I will require a nap-time every single teaching day, which normally begins at 3.45 pm and ends around 4.45 pm - 5.15pm (could be more depending on how exhausted my mental is). This phase provides me with the rejuvenation needed for my body, mental and soul.
And my normal routines also includes me getting extra sleep on the mornings of my weekends and school holidays as I am desperate to compensate my lack of daily doses of sleep.
Anyhow, magic happened today (and yesterday) as the blog layout pointed its wand towards me and put me under the GetANewLayoutAndMakeSureItIsNotOverCuteButNotTooSerious spell. Petrified, I headed to Google headquarters, hoping to find a solution.
At the headquarters, I was further petrified as I was given a wide range of choices that I started to think that maybe it would be much better (and easier) for me to just use the default one. Yeah, I'm lying. That thought never crossed my mind. ;p
Hence, after going through several series of trial-and-error and much deliberation, I decided to go with this black theme. It does look great, ain't it? (You have to agree on this no matter what.) ;p
Enjoy the show!
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